This kid was born on the 22nd week of pregnancy and survived here video with its vypuskny , is updated

5-month-old! 400 grams! It is the best history of summer!
We very much love our tiny son, and we do not doubt that it is waited by the great future".
Before childbirth mother Mollie spent three weeks in hospital as pregnancy took place very difficult.
"It weighed 400 grams when was born. But now with it everything is good! Never give up. Never. Fight up to the end!
The hospital in which I was agreed to accept - just presented me hope for luck.
Mollie was transferred to other hospital where by her made Cesarean section.
Been born on the 22nd week of pregnancy (5,5 months!) Cullen Potter from Alabama, began the life just incredibly, Unilad writes.
The boy can be seen accompanied by the nurse of Jebel Barbur who cared for it during intensive therapy.
Last year couple endured two abortions therefore this time they decided to make everything that their child had a chance.
Charming Cullen weighs 2,5 kilograms now and, fortunately, is free from any serious problems or diseases. After 160 days in hospital the little soldier could come back home at last.
P.S. And you this story touched?
And to celebrate this significant date, prepared for little Cullen the whole final ceremony! He was dressed up in a cloak for graduates and carried by along corridors under solemn music.
However his family decided not to give up. The father Robert rang round 16 hospitals in three states to find that which can provide the correct care of the premature child.
They believe in these children and give them chance of success which they deserve. I pray that such stories as washing, there was as much as possible.